
Domestic Cleaners in Nottingham

Whether you have a flat, bungalow or house we can take care of all your cleaning needs. Our staff is CRB checked and insured, so you can experience our great service with complete peace of mind.

Affordable House Cleaning in Nottingham

Sometimes standard cleaning just doesn’t cut it. But we’re got that covered too. Deep cleaning is our professional service for jobs that require that little bit extra.

End of Tenancy Cleaning Nottingham

One of our many specialties is preparing properties for new tenants to move in.

Professional Carpet Cleaning in Nottinghamshire

If you’d like your carpet to look good as new, we’ve got just the right service for you. Our experienced professionals with breathe new life into your old carpet and delight you with a good job done.

Top Commercial Cleaning Services

We offer competitive professional cleaning services for offices like office removals, Nottinghamshire, community premises, schools and other educational institutions, hotels, restaurants leisure premises, warehouses, shops and factories. Just answer a few questions and we’ll provide an instant estimate.

Home Removal Service in Nottinghamshire,Mansfield & Derbyshire

We also offer home removal service, Nottinghamshire along with rubbish clearance, deliveries, pickups and drop offs, store collections and other transport services. We cover both short and long distances. Simply contact us for a quote.

Students Accommodation Cleaning Services Nottinghamshire

Apart from cleaning residential areas, we also cater to cleaning services for housings / lodgings – call us for Students Accommodation Cleaning Services in Nottinghamshire. A clean and hygienic environment is always valued by people staying in accommodations as well as newcomers. Regular cleanliness ensures that the health of the residents is well maintained; it encourages more students to come and stay. At El-bliss LTD, we make sure that our cleaning services not only gives you a clean and hygienic environment to reside in, but also helps you build a good reputation among your customers for a flourishing business.